About Us
Lamont, Founder and Visionary, Calvary Clothing
Bringing people together has always been important to Lamont Lester, so in 2003 he created a clothing line called "Kinfolk". The kinfolk line was designed to break down racial and denominational barriers in the church and to promote the family unit. Over the years, Lamont has shared the vision and clothing line at various conferences, festivals, family reunions and churches, Calvary Clothing and the Kinfolk brand continue to receive recognition all across the country as people embrace the vision of unity and reconciliation, while making a fashion statement.
To further the vision of "Kinfolk," Lamont felt the need to bring various churches and community leaders together to improve race relations and promote unity in his community. Through this desire, "Harmony Services" were birthed. These gatherings gave people of different denominations, races, and cultures an opportunity to worship, praise, pray and fellowship together. Five years later, the Harmony Core Group was established. Today, this group is comprised of people who support the vital work of diversity, inclusion and racial reconciliation among children of God. Kinfolk shows that we are all inextricably connected through the blood of Jesus.
Gary - President, Calvary Clothing
Gary met Lamont over 19 years ago when they worked together in men's clothing. There was an immediate connection as they shared many of the same passions when it came to both fashion, as well as mentoring young men. Lamont shared the vision of Calvary Clothing with Gary, and he immediately connected with the vision of "Kinfolk." With their many years of expertise in the clothing industry, the two worked together to launch the Kinfolk brand and began sharing it with others. For years, they traveled to several cities, sharing the message of Kinfolk. Once Gary saw how people responded to the message, he was convinced this was what he was called to do.
Much has changed since the original Kinfolk jersey was introduced to the world. Gary saw the power of the message then and is responsible for its resurrection and remodel today! The relevance of of the message is stronger than ever. Today we need unity and reconciliation in our families, the church, and in our communities. We need each other like never before.
These visionaries continue to embrace this mission which fuels their work and has cemented their brotherhood.
We invite you to join us in the Kinfolk movement.